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Jon Komperda

Mechanical Engineer / Computational Fluid Dynamics

Welcome to my Github Projects

This site contains a list of Open-Source projects I have worked on either for classes or for fun over the past few years. The codes are mostly related to Mechanical Engineering and Fluid Dynamics.


A Marker and cell method solver for the incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations. Uses an unstructured finite difference scheme with the ability to solve for scalars, complex geometry, and massless particles. This is considered to be a research grade code with no interface for users with a very good understanding of CFD and Fortran 90.

SimpleMAC Source


PySimpleMAC is a Python module which uses the carrier phase solver from SimpleMAC. It provides a user interface, a benchmark problem, and a load of documentation that is rather easy to understand. Scripting using PySimpleMAC is much simpler than using SimpleMAC, it's as easy as importing a module and using the built in functions as a 'black box', or you can just use the pre-built example GUI and work from there.

PySimpleMAC Page